The Muslim Contribution to the Renaissance By Ahmed Essa with Othman Ali (Herndon, VA: International Institute of Islamic Thought, 2010. pbk. 312 pages)

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Tammy Gaber



Despite this being the age when information is readily available, the analysis,
the dissemination, and the effect of pioneering Islamic knowledge in
all fields is a relatively recent endeavor with only a handful of books that
cover these areas from an academic point of view. The Muslim Contribution
to the Renaissance is a comprehensive addition; it is a collection of
numerous examples of Islamic innovation, and places these examples in their historical context in direct relation to the developing West—a time
called the “Dark Ages”’ in Europe and the “Golden Age” in the Muslim
world. This Golden Age was one of high calibre scholasticism and practical
exploration in all fields, and it directly influenced the emergence in the
West of what was to be called the “Renaissance.” ...

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