On Spirituality Essays from the Third Shi`i Muslim Mennonite Christian Dialogue By M. Darrol Bryant, Susan Kennel Harrison, and A. James Reimer, eds. (Kitchener, ON: Padora Press, 2010. pages 248 pages.)

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Mahdi Tourage



This collection of essays, presented at a private Shi`a-Mennonite conference
held at Conrad Grebel University College in Waterloo, Ontario (27-30 May
2007), are loosely organized around the theme of “spirituality.” The contributors
are Mennonite and invited Iranian participants from the most violent
center of informal power in Iran (known for its extra-judicial execution of
their opponents and the persecution of sexual/religious minorities like homosexuals
and Baha`is): the Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute
(IKERI).1 I will confine my review mostly to the Iranian participants’ essays
because I am not qualified to comment on the Mennonite’s essays, as they
pertain to Christian theology ...

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