Na`ar¥yOEt al-îukm and Ma§OEdir al-Shar¥`ah

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Saim Kayadibi
Raihanah Omar



On 17 October 2008, the Academy of Islamic Studies held its first seminar
on Na`ar¥yOEt al-îukm and Ma§OEdir al-Shar¥`ah (NAZMAS1/2008) at the
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We would like to thank all
of the lecturers and students of the Department of Shari`ah and Law, especially
Ahmad Hidayat Buang (dean of the Apium) and Siti Mashitoh bt
Mahamood (head, Department of Shari`ah and Law), for their support and
The seminar originally sought to bring together students, researchers, and
scholars interested in Islamic law studies from all over the world. Due to the
limited time available for academicians and scholars to prepare their papers,
as well as holding it right after Ramadan, however, was the event to be scaled
down to a local seminar limited to the Academy of Islamic Studies,
University of Malaya. It was, nevertheless, a highly fruitful and successful
Given the international focus on Islamic studies and law, the seminar
was structured around the fundamental principles of Islamic law and how
they can be embraced by elaborating upon their vital principles to make
them better understood.
After the chairmen’s introductory remarks, seminar director Saim Kayadibi
(senior lecturer, Department of Shari`ah and Law) gave an opening
speech that emphasized the importance of studying the Shari`ah’s fundamental
principles and how the seminar could make a constructive contribution
to advancing the participants’ knowledge and understanding of the inner
dimension of the aúkOEm and ma§OEdir al-Shar¥`ah. Mahamood then opened
the seminar ...

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