Ethnicity and Nationalism By Thomas Hylland Eriksen (London: Pluto Press, 2002. 2d. ed., 199 pages.)

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Kayleen U. Oka



Thomas Hylland Eriksen’s second edition of Ethnicity and Nationalism
comes over 10 years after the first. In light of a decade’s worth of historical
and political changes, this new edition has been expanded to cover
transnationalism, hybridity, and globalization, and includes a new chapter
on multiculturalism, culture, and rights. The book, which is presented as a core text for social anthropology students and a leading introduction to the
field, takes its theoretical standpoint from social anthropology but also
draws on studies from anthropology and sociology. Its main themes remain
the same as the first edition: reflexive identity and social change, identity
politics, social complexity, and group dynamics ...

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