This issue of AJISS opens with a guest editorial by Louay Safi, who reflects on the relationship between scholarship and social engagement while considering the remarkable career of his friend Sulayman Nyang (d. 2018).
The first research article of this issue, Youssef J. Carter's "Black Muslimness Mobilized: A Study of West African Sufism in Diaspora" argues that a powerful sense of diasporic identification and solidarity is cultivated by Mustafawi sufis in South Carolina and Senegal.
The second article, Abdullah Al-Shami and Kathrine Bullock's "Islamic Perspectives on Basic Income" suggests that, although distinct from Western rationales, Islamic concepts and ethical-legal mechanisms have much in common with basic income programs. A review essay by Charles E. Butterworth contextualizes and considers the educational reform project of an "integration of knowledge".
Following the book reviews, Enes Kari's "Goethe, His Era and Islam" traces the complex relationship between Goethe and Islam, as examined in recent literature in Bosnia and beyond.
Finally, closing out this new issue of AJISS, Altaf Hussain's obituary acts as a tribute to the life and work of Dr. Nyang.
Scholarship and Social Engagement
Abstract 281 | PDF Downloads 202 | DOI v-xiii
Black Muslimness Mobilized
Abstract 303 | PDF Downloads 468 | DOI 1-28
Islamic Perspectives on Basic Income
Abstract 504 | PDF Downloads 680 | DOI Essay
Rethinking Reform in Higher Education, From Islamization to Integration of Knowledge
Abstract 1420 | PDF Downloads 564 | DOI Reviews
Muslim Intellectual Deficit
Abstract 249 | PDF Downloads 215 | DOI 65-67
Refuge: Rethinking Refugee Policy in a Changing World
Abstract 382 | PDF Downloads 576 | DOI 68-71
Authority and Identity in Medieval Islamic Historiography: Persian Histories from the Peripheries
Abstract 253 | PDF Downloads 121 | DOI 72-79
Radical Skin, Moderate Masks: De-radicalising the Muslim and Racism in Post-racial Societies
Abstract 689 | PDF Downloads 269 | DOI 79-85
The Making of Islamic Heritage: Muslim Pasts and Heritage Presents
Abstract 274 | PDF Downloads 143 | DOI 85-91
Islam and Democracy after the Arab Spring
Abstract 269 | PDF Downloads 613 | DOI 91-94
Goethe, His Era, and Islam
Abstract 259 | PDF Downloads 842 | DOI 95-121
A Tribute to the Late Dr. Sulayman Shehu Nyang
Abstract 178 | PDF Downloads 177 | DOI 122-127