Ibn Hazm’s Legal Contribution

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Zakyi Ibrahim



In profiling Ibn Hazm, the previous editorial shed some light on his genealogy,

early life and education, and breadth of knowledge. In this issue, I concentrate

only on his legal dimensions.

A Shot at a Political Career?

Ibn Hazm’s childhood of luxury ended abruptly when his family estate was

destroyed in 1013 and the family fled to Jativa. Like his father, Ibn Hazm’s

early career began in political arena. Sympathetic to the the Umayyads, he

was imprisoned after Sulayman’s overthrow in 1016.1A few years later, however,

Abd al-Rahman IV al-Murtada appointed Ibn Hazm his vizier, which

caused him to fight in the battle of Granada. In 1023, released after years in

jail, he returned to Cordoba and, in 1023, was again appointed vizier by Abd

al-Rahman V al-Mustazhir. Seven weeks later the caliph was murdered and

Ibn Hazm was again imprisoned. Upon his release, he became an academic

and withdrew from political and public life ...

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